Nadine Richardson

Private Doula Service

Nadine Richardson - Birth Harvesting photo in lilac flower top

Birth Harvesting package

HARVESTING is Healing trauma

It is arriving at a place where we feel like life happened for us and not to us

It is embracing pain, the loss and the paradox fully and alchemising it

It is understanding the what and the why

On a physical level but also an emotional, cultural and spiritual level too

It is reclaiming parts of who we were before the event

It is gathering these experiences into our bodies fully

Nadine Richardson xxx

Doula Service heading (to target longer tail keyword)

[PIC ON RIGHT – Additional Nadine Doula image with expectant mother]

Women supporting women during birth is the most ancient mode of care and has existed since the beginning of time.

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Private Doula Service Testimonial

Is there a testimonial specific to Nadine as a Private Doula?

Lisa & Michael Black – AirBnB Manager, Edinburgh, Scotland

Our Zoom sessions and your guidance allowed me to open up and process my feelings as well as
address my fears. Everything felt much lighter and aligned.

I can’t thank you enough for guiding us through these connections.
It has been incredibly powerful and far deeper than I thought possible on Zoom.

We’ve got a bit to work on, but we will stay in touch with you as we go.

What is included in the sessions?

(Note: three key unique selling proposals for Nadine as your doula – I’ll get icons based on what they are)

Birth Integration session with She Births® Founder Nadine Richardson

Three session runs for up to 90 minutes over Zoom

Attend as an individual or as a couple

Your Birth Harvesting sessions will allow you to ...

(Note: four or more key benefits/pain point solutions for Nadine as your doula – I’ll get icons based on what they are)

Explore what happened and understand why

Feel seen, heard & understood on all levels

Process unresolved feelings

Discover the lessons, wisdom and gifts

Nadine Richardson - Birth Harvesting photo in lilac flower top

Birth Harvesting three mentoring sessions

I am ready for my mentoring sessions

Everyone’s experience of childbirth is different, and everyone’s inner narrative is important. 

Your story and your feelings matter.

The knowledge and the gifts we receive from birth are available to all.

$880 inc GST

Note – this area could be a summary / price summary if neccessary + apply for a spot form or something along those lines / something to highlight the exclusivity, high end value and limited availability